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Why do we as taxpayers rarely if ever hear anything about getting the debt under control? Let me take a wild guess, "When all you do is set around and try to come up with a new tax to buy something you can't afford and the agenda is spend, spend and spend some more not a lot of attention is put on controlling the spending.

When will people say Enough is Enough? This type of lingo want be very popular among most of your politicians because they simply like to spend, why? Lobbyist are always wanting something and somebody is always wanting to bill the taxpayer for a pet project. 

In case you haven't figured it out money is King and Power is the Queen and the average worker is the slave, who knows, maybe that is intentional because its rather difficult to keep up with what your politicians are doing when your trying to put food on the table and raise your children.

Just ponder on how many different taxes each person pays and then you may begin to have some empathy on the next generation especially your own family members that are going to be struggling far worse than we are because the tax burden will be overwhelming.

Our politicians pass so many bills on a daily basis at the local, state and federal level that there really isn't anyway to even know what laws are what. Liberals will run to CNN or MSNBC and the Conservatives will run to FOX NEWS and there you go arguing over who is right and who is wrong and the pepertraders set back and laugh at both sides because somewhere in both stories is the truth and not meant to be understood or found because at the end of the day the taxpayer is getting stuck with the tab.

In closing, one common theme has been in place regardless of who is POTUS and that is WAR, the USA is and has always been at war with someone over something and if you could have one guess you can probably figure out why, a wise man once told me, "Follow The Money"

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Home Home Reviewed by uSeriousradio on December 03, 2018 Rating: 5

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